Letter to God's Masterpieces
Dear Moon,
You shine bright throught all of Earth
Lighting up the night with the Stars ,
So sad your beauty is far away
I wish I could keep you as a gift
Maybe then I could feel lifted away from this heavy ground down here...
Amongst the crystal clear blue water that reflects your shining light
You glow to brighten my night
Your luminescence captures my heart
You work of art
Dear Stars,
You tiny beauties shine from afar, guiding us all through the woods
You little specks of gas
I wish you could last forever in my arms
You were destined to form constolations
Performing for all nations, you've shown your worth
Your glowing never too low to Earth
Dear Sun,
Oh big heapng ball of fire..how lonely you must be
Never able to truly love a single soul
I imagine you wish to meet the Moon, although she starts her shift during your rest
Maybe you despise her
Is it because of her beauty
Or ability to simply be the best?
Do wish for the gift of her friendship?
That of the Stars, Earth, Oceans and Sea?
How dangerous you must be...since you don't know your worth Mr. Sun...
Dear Earth,
Ahh, Earth.. you've been mentioned through many dimensions, over centuries of time
Been protected, neglected, and gotten a bit of sunshine
You've been clean, filled with dreams and covered by the darkest nights
But do you ever cry when damaged by harsh fights?
I wonder...
Are your deep unexplored caverns filled with plunder?
Are you ever at all afraid of lighting and thunder?
Ticked off by tornadoes and hurricanes
Yet amused by your wonder...Hmm, I wonder
Dear Seas and Oceans,
Oh Seas and Oceans how deep you must be,
Going through the motions, quite constantly
With all that marine life at your depths
Does it often bring tension when your residents cause death?
Anyways, I'm sure you admire your beauty
The beautifully colored coral, many fish are drawn to thee
Many dates on your beaches
You're so grateful for the Moon and the Sun
They bring many people and creatures, and this can often be fun
Unless ofcourse your visitors are the messy kind
They bring trash and oil
How could you not change your mind
Do you like us humans?
If not thats reasonable
Atleast you get a break when it's cold
Sometimes you're so still
Because your waters are seasonal
Unless your unfortunate unpredictable waves come ashore
And people happen to get killed
Now this is not all your fault
You didn't know your own strength
Sometimes life just happens
None of us are exempt
You're a big part of the ecosystem
The circle of life
You witness the beginning of it right under those waves
You witness the end of it too
The sadness of it
I'm quite sure will..
Does effect you...