Lessons Learned
To question the validity of my teachers through the years
Is to question the following lessons I hear:
There was one to crush my dreams
And one to learn I won't make teams
One for understanding the value of sentiment
And one to show me to feel valiant
One to make me cry for hours
And one to teach that love, once found, falls in showers
One to teach me to tread light on my feet
And one to show that respect is a one-way street.
How do I thank you for the sentiments
The advice, the caring, the (short-lived) valiance?
How do I show you the remains of dreams
Once bursting at seems
Now only quarter-hearted schemes?
How do I blame you for the loss of ability
Once held with dignity
Now bulging enmity?
How do I hold you accountable for the tears
Thrice fallen that year
Now hiding in every mirror?
How do I apologize for the shame
Of awful words of blame
In our hate-me-hate-you game?
How do I get past the lesson of respect
One no others reflect
Never one to forget?
I suppose deep down that I should know
All lessons are worthy of being learned
But some lessons boil--nay, scald so
That the learner is too burned
To feel she's earned
The right to learn