Legally Confused
It all started with a “Hey”
And it ended with an unexpected block
She slowly creeped up the confidence
to give herself once again
This time it was different
He was a legally married man through papers
Through emotions he assured he was divorced
When we started it was clear no emotions involved?
We are just sex buddies
Do you not know the clear meaning of this term?
I will define it for you clearer
When two friends enjoy the benefit of sex
But are not committed to a relationship with each other
She known him for two weeks
With information worth two years
“I can’t get attached”
But he is crawling back for me
Sexual encounters with a thirty-four
Legally married man
As we lay in his queen size bed
After having a great sexual encounter
We are back to back
Minutes later he turns toward me
And grips and feels up on me for comfort
Am I the only one that seems your feelings are in the mix?
I am crawling back for more sexual encounters nothing more
But the way you caress my body and hold me you can feel your emotions
A sexual encounter with a thirty-four legally married with a man isn’t a getaway
Stay in the lane you gave directions to which is and was a sex buddy only.