Left Turn
The road was straight.
Potholes were occasionally hit.
Then suddenly there was a fierce turn to the left.
Without warning, darkness surrounded.
Without warning, the road became different.
Without warning, the path strayed.
Soccer was my thing.
I felt free.
I felt strong.
Game after game my head
landed on the ground,
without warning.
My dog would crawl up high.
He surrounded my head with his
Then a pounding elapsed.
My head would go never pausing to breathe.
Nothing invaded my life
a doctor ordered an MRI.
It turned out two tumors
lived in my head
as if it was a luxurious apartment
expanding, making themselves at home.
How was I to find inspiration to fight?
How was I to breathe again peacefully?
How was I to be okay?
My body shriveled.
My hair disappeared.
My hope left for a better life.
Then another car merged
onto my highway.
The power of being vulnerable
suddenly clear as crystal.
His name was Sean
and mighty a fight he had.
The chances of survival equal to
winning the lottery twice
with the same number.
Now he climbs
the seven summits
one day I hope to go
with him.
War stories make me cry.
They also make me want to try.
Pain demands to be felt
as suffering demands to inspire.
I live not for myself
but to hopefully let
my story inspire others
as Sean’s did to me.
Because the imperfect hero
is 10 times as strong as the
straight road hero.
Tears give me a reason
to live
and as a pathfinder.