
Mon, 10/08/2012 - 10:42 -- smaew


United States
42° 44' 38.7816" N, 78° 38' 3.12" W

With unthinkable swiftness
She opened the drawer
The moment the school bell rang

From this drawer
This filing drawer
The teacher’s sticky notes sprang

All of the knowledge
Written down
Just waiting to be shared

At this crinkled paper
This wrinkled paper
All of the students stared

The assault began
As it had
For over a decade now

Of little notes
Determined notes
Our minds could not allow

For the knowledge
Worn and old
Had lost adhesiveness

With all my attempts
Those futile attempts
The knowledge would still resist

Yet some had managed
To fasten loosely
To my teeming brain

But with time they fell
Most all of them fell
Gravity was to blame

When a test came
As one often did
I had to look about

For the knowledge
The fallen knowledge
With which I was lost without

But when was there time
To retrace my steps
With all of these places to be

With clubs to join
Time consuming clubs
And colleges watching me

Is there really a purpose
To learning
So much at once

If all of this learning
This so-called learning
Leaves the brightest a dunce



This poem has a deep message about whether or not students are learning as much in school as they should, and if they are learning the right information. This would be a great poem to submit to your school and let everyone know about this issue that affects many people. Great job spreading the word with your poetry!

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