The super mother— Infinity
Universe Calls stars
for the leap of all creatures
Within individual Paradise
A long trek of time
with legs of each season.
Testing taste of power
in love, faith, and hope
In the nectar of tide, twist, and turns
By mist of time
and guide high ambitions
Building stringed strength and streak.
Sailing on strong springs
In rare scents of Love’s policy
for more to become
in wombs of guts
In light of high-standing days
In a coach of perfect abundance.
Senses of sponge songs to share
Chase of time wielding success
from slices and mince of fail and fall
Single out from dice of discs and sprints
Days and dreams
enough for all to share.
Walking in the shadow of a mother
Standing in steaming transition
in constant call with Courage’s strolls
in competitively intimidating quarters
Cracks of expectations and potential
on the side of roads to skillful soil and time