
Sun, 06/09/2013 - 22:38 -- latm

The well guarded keep is kept
locked tight at the behest
of a universe, quite in jest
as the muse she does profess

to always be mindful of those round
for their ways you make your own
so in the center of this storm
we must decide which side we're on
on the shoulders or the giant
we must follow or stand defiant

the laughing heart does proclaim
ignorance is the source of pain
and the cure just the same
and since we all are but players in this game

we must gather resources and craft anew
world, for lovers true

for this life is but a test
so bear no shame to ever confess
that we instigate one anothers' fate
so let us stride, boldly, to the gate

no more regrets for could-have-beens in this time
we will create
what is rightfully yours
and mine.

amusing and confusing, the signs are always there
the universe nods and winks, if you catch the stare
so we brazenly leap, climbing higher and higher
drawn by the smoke, there must be fire

but act so surprised when we find what's been sought
a tyrant ruler is, this contortion of thought
construed but underused, a mystical meaning
awakened at last, an explosion of feeling

like electricity it spreads, revitalizing the dead
we rise from the depths, with new thoughts in our heads
to discuss and make great, fears unabated
a yearning we've felt, but never quite sated

so we flee to the unknown and stand there as one
content in our conquest, for we can never be done
because adventure never rests, so neither shall we
we put our lives to the test
to live forever free


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