The Last Winter


United States
35° 51' 15.7752" N, 81° 49' 20.7696" W

The warm breeze has gone.
The winter freeze has come.
Everything is silent and still.
Bare and frozen,
as the white flurries came falling down onto Earth.
The ground was now turning white as the days
became shorter and colder.
I walked lonely through the woods, listening to
creatures that went scurrying away into the deep, unknown world.
The sun was going down as I was hurrying home to be with my family.
A fire was blazing in the fireplace and dinner, warm and fresh, was waiting.
When I was done, I put the dishes away.
I looked through the window outside with thoughts running through my mind.
I went to my bed and snuggled up into my blankets.
I lay awake for awhile and finally I take my last breath.
Sometimes we die young. I will never forget my last winter.


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