Last Thoughts of You and Your Loved Ones
Thoughts coursing through
Hate sticking to you like glue
Nothing matters anymore
Not the rain, the sun, nothing more
Kindness disintegrates
only hate regenerates
pushing until you are done
Done with it all
your heart broken in two
and you wish had wings
then your heart begins to sing
the depression
nothing to end this
pain unlike anything you have known
who cares if you stay
so in your bed there you lay
knife or blade in your hand
and on your wrist there it lands
pulling, calling the blood to the surface
a voice in your head
begging you to not be dead
reminding you of all those who
care about you
those who smile
chase the ghosts of hate away awhile
the one who hugs you
and their fears tug at you
their tears trailing down their cheeks
as they look towards the weeks
the weeks coming where you aren’t there
you aren’t where they can call you home
your parents come in
crying out in horror
as they take in your still body
wrists slit, arms bloody
so keep in mind
next time
you decide to contemplate suicide
that if you died
who will all follow your lead
brother or sister
mother or father
best friends torn apart
their hearts broken
and all they have is a token
your smile
that chase away their ghosts awhile
your hugs
that undo the plugs
The sun, the rain
don't matter
until they see your smiling face