last days
In these last days
God is exposing people chasing money rather than Him, hence will smith
what does a man profit if he gains everything of the world, but loses his soul
In these last days
man will be lovers of themselves of being selfish, and not selfless
man are being lovers of other man where the Bible clearly states Adam and Eve
not Adam and Steven
Adam and Eve, not Angie and Eve
In these last days
God is exposing false churches where tithing is 10% and yet you have crooked pastors sending their kids to private school
and not being a blessing to someone who's starving from hunger
In these last days
God is exposing false religion where in the book of Acts talks about those who gave their live to Christ and became Christians
not muslims, not agnostics, not jehovah witnesses, not catholics, not buddhists, not athiests, not Rasta farians
In these last days
men are acting more feminine wearing dresses, and being overly emotional
women are acting more masculine than men
but the Bible states that the head of every man is Christ, the head of every woman is the man
i don't fault women, i fault men for not answering the call of being leaders
yet you claim to be a man
if that's the case be the Abraham to your Sarah, be the Joseph to your Mary
you have women being deceived by lying about God
claiming that He called you to be a pastor when God never ordain a woman to be a pastor according to the Bible
or a young couple who claimed that God called them to host a nightclub
but in Romans Ch12, the bible states to not be comform to the ways of the world, but be transformed
by the renewal in your mind that's perfect, good, and acceptible to the will of God
you see how society is so backwards
in these last days
politics is corrupted, doesn't matter if you're democratic, republican, conservative or mr. miyagi and cobra kai
the real president is Jesus because He is the true Head
in these last days
watch out for division amongst breathrens
friendship is not based on Sunday gatherings, it's about being the actual church bringing the gospel to the streets.
don't give me phony hugs and smiles, be sincere in your greetings when you acknowledge someone
the rapture is coming more sooner than you think
the war on drugs continues to surge like a nation rising about other nations
shooting each other cowardly, shooting yourself right in between the veins of your arm
in these last hours
you have a choice to make
not from black sheeps record the choice is yours
where you can get with this
or you can get with that
the choice is really yours
where you want to go
surrender your life to Christ and live in paradise or go to hell and be torture for the rest of your life
the choice is yours
where do you want to go?