The Lag
To show any emotion
at all makes you insane,
laughing in a quiet room,
crying in the midst of an
open crowd, jabbing your
pencil into your upper thigh
instead of answering the
question to number thirty five
on your test, a blank stare
even suggests too much,
a mental injury, I lag behind
purple dusted have you seen
my bruises, in the shadows,
a scream only comes when
a built up dam erupts, come
to corners of a locked building
see into the eyes of a silly girl
and proclaim your lust, she hasn't
given up, but she's drifting, still
caught by her language, you haven't
seen past her gaze, but why is she
here, at rehearsal to a grave, it is
her funeral, welcome to a tainted mind,
where we lag behind, because you've left us.