For a lack of a better world.
For the sake of my memory,
remember not my memory.
Look onto the future, not my current words etched into paper.
I found my beautiful husband underneath my window with an odd call.
Remember me Issac, not as young and reckless;
Recall my old spots from the sun, my long white hair you played with, my crinkled hands you once called my father's hands.
I will remember your wide sensual eyes, body stained by the sun, your powerful laugh that stopped God in his tracks to listen.
Understand I went so I could be with Anthony again, who was my brother, and loved me like a brother.
Issac, you gave me a better life, and you loved Anthony just as I did, do not think yourself selfish because you wanted me to stay.
Selfishly, I wanted to stay with you, but a burden I would always be.
But for a lack of a better world,
one in which I would stay,
and love.
My Issac.