La Volpe

(poems go here) waiting for recovery,
an injured Car licks its wounds.
exposure emanating,
as the Right Bumper lacks,
telling a tale of nature,
admitting its defeat.

a Ford Taurus to the rear
a VolksWagen Passat to the front,
surrounded by Technology,
nature releases its grasp:
a mother fox wanders astray
on a path
indefinitely short.

she wanders near,
of impending fate,
Destiny maintaing his Iron grip,
she darts across the road,
her path chosen,
conflicting with the almighty guardian.

in the end,
nature cannot
prevail, but
Machinery bears an incurable scar:
the dead mother and
a Missing Component.
imposing price on life, the
Car is fixed and sheds
its scab


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