Why does it hurt but feels so good.
Holding on , clawing not wanting to let go , I fall when i look in your eyes.
Who knew that I would need this thing called love so much.
What is Love. You are love .
You are mine , we are one with eachother , or atleast i think so . How do you feel , I mean just know is this real. do you feel what I feel. or does this not mean anything to you.
Just be true , please . Dont hurt me , Dont leave me.
Hold me , Kiss me , L O V E me.
Dont let go , I'm drowning.
I cry in your arms when , why am i so vulnerable ? Turn the tables now you chase me
Tag your it.
We chose this . God chose us .
I'll die for you , I live for you.
I bleed you , I breathe you , I feel you , I smell you.
tell the truth what is it that you want , dont front i wont judge you as long as you promise to do the same this ain't no game . My heart is on the line.
A thousand words wont explain how i feel. Pain , Happy.
Stay by me.