She cooks him dinner again as she does every night
The sight of beef bathed in spices and the smell of cocoa
The taste of fresh vegetables is a precursor to the fight
That from the walls of the bedroom through neighborhood echo
She doesn’t respect him he says she does not treat him right
His accomplishments go overlooked and his hard work unappreciated
The argument at fever pitch both screaming with all their might
And what comes next is not wholly unanticipated
A thump can be heard then quiet then tears
Or sometimes the quiet is followed by gasping
She wonders how could she endure even one more year
Before her ears his apologies start grasping
Perhaps she doesn’t treat him as best she could
And he promises emphatically that he’ll hit her never again
Perhaps this foible is minor and forgive him she should
He tells her he loves her and she begins to forgive again
She holds him as he cries and apologizes again
The relationship will survive so there’s no need for mourning
The night is over time to sleep and tomorrow again
With one black eye make breakfast in the morning