Kiss Me


United States
35° 34' 49.8324" N, 80° 35' 57.786" W

I want you to kiss me again.
Just one last time, Hun.
That's all I ask: one last kiss.
I want to feel your soft lips press against
mine one last time.

Kiss me.
Make me forget all the wrong you did.
Kiss me
With your gentle touch,
make me forget what you called me.
Kiss me!
Force me to fall for you again.

Trace your tongue over my bottom lip.
Allow me to lap up your delicious lies,
your decadent venom.
Nibble over my scarred lip, Love:
Scrap away the pain I've survived.

Wrap your hands around my neck,
eradicate how you made me feel
Embed your nails into my skin--
Allow a fresh pain to cloak the emotional grief.
Trail your hands down my neck,
across my shoulders,
over my back.
Grasp the small of my back
and pull me close to you.
Kiss me passionately.
Make me forget about all that could have been.

Close your eyes
as I open mine.
Remind me how much of a freak I am.

Remind me how I don't deserve the truth,
but please--
Just kiss me.

Kiss me.
Kiss me.
Kiss me.
Let me drown in your delicious lies one more time.
Let me find refuge within your manipulative wings.

Turn me over,
hold me out with your arms--
Dip me.
Kiss me like the last time you kissed me.
Kiss me like the man I thought you were.
Kiss me like I actually meant something to you.

Kiss my 'til my are tainted
with your toxic blood.

Then drop me.
Let me fall.
Allow me to be hurt:
I'll never crave your disgusting lips again.


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