I step and hear no sound nearby
Leaving back my fear and weakness
My lungs squeeze to below as hard as I can
Glaring the man in front of my caged face
My feet slides back and forth
Gentle and soft so the man would not sense
I budge my shinai trying to control the center
A split of a second would be my chance
An attack
My eyes notice a slight change in the man’s stance
My mind intuitively tells me to defend
I move myself back arching my body
Pushing my shinai above my head
At the same time seeing the man’s rage
Brandishing his sword
Made it
From the momentum our body sticks together
My lungs pump again to shout in a nasty tone
Loud enough to feed spit in the man’s face
I push him back refusing to take the spit back
That moment I see him close his eyes
My turn
I kick my body off the floor
Feeling myself in mid air
I raise my sword aiming straight at his head
Seeing his eyes open to realize the situation he is in
Too slow
My shinai falls and smacks on top of his head
Feeling the sense of a fish getting caught on my line
I rose my sword up energetically
Appealing my accomplishment
I glance around to see the flags go up
And breathe out in joy