Keeping Safety
I don’t want to be this pretentious city girl
I thought I knew.
I could see a
Whole world around me -
Must be real. I guess I’ll
Fuck up my hair, shit on
Makeup and swear
That I’m not sick, just damn cool.
Don’t holler at me.
I’ll be off in my peace.
God, I’m nervous no one can see
This damn world. I thought
I knew my options.
But then came a house with the firebright
Flowers of day.
These fucking signs
Got me changing -
A heart entertaining a
Life so quiet. A house
Full of love when I’m hopeless.
Right off of nowhere,
A cat and a dog and a tree.
Games by the fire,
A smile in the twilight.
I’m nervous - I hope he sees.
But this damn world.
Chaotic never changed much.
I guess I’m hitting that phase of acoustic life
Like a rock star,
I’m damaged and
Paying in ashes
Of dreams that I burned when
I ran from the nurture,
Back to the torture.
I’m growing, I swear, I say
To my best friend,
Whom I’ll hate to the end
For erasing a life in Sacrament.