keep your lies.
keep your lies, where they shall stay
keep them engraved
while every time you leave i neigh
lies somehow kept you warmed
and somehow left me an ice sculpture for you to break
for now i have given my mind and heart away
you see, for you i could do anything
for them, i wont move a soul.
i might seem that hate has filled me up
for i have no heart to keep love
you see, i need to be taught
somehow one beings lies torn my soul apart
don't you wish that you were never taught to lie
because then you would never have
lost a soul that have loved you ever so much
i could be buried deep under ground
or swimming the barrier reef
for i know that you would never search places
like these cause you never have written
i am lost in the way i write about you
and these days its the only trauma i want
too place my biro on paper for.