Just Take the Hand
Everyone has a problem to be fixed
Some are tempers
Some throw fits
And some are too prideful
But there’s some with problem of death
No matter how much they try, it’ll never end
They’ll cry
They’ll try
But it never ends
No matter how much they try
People they love are pushed away
The world looks at them at shame
Judging them
Accusing them
Yet, they hide in that very corner
As they get mocked
And talked about
They slowly disintegrate
Dying on the inside and outside
No matter how much, it’ll never ends
Till that white knight comes to save
To help
To love
To care
But, no matter how much it’ll never end
The refusal is obvious
The pain oblivious
The knight becomes stubborn
Though the future is dark
The hand is taken
No matter how much, it’ll never end
Months pass
The pain dissolves
The happiness of a caring knight
Sheds the light onto the pain
it can always end….
Just take the hand