just me and my anxiety
Perfection is the thing i strive to seek
Looking at the world as an empty space that cease through the eyes at once what be
oh my darling what times have we my words are gone but where is the
Away I go never to be seen in the land of the deceased
Away I go for the world has run its course on me but what do i do for im just me
Time has passed I still seek the thing whitch most dream
Is it my dreams are to out of reach or am I just to naive to see the words written infront of me
Days fade in the place of no sleep I sit and watch as all I see is faliure what is me without thy grades
For thy mock me in tears of day when I wake you still wont go away that voice you said it would be ok
but now ive cryed and cryed till daybreak
For your just a number on a page but to me your my future
For it is me the girl in the corner studying her life away
For its me with all the anxiety that wont go away
For is this fear I belive it is for now
For I am just me the girl who tries to be everyhting but why do i try so hard for no one notices
Perfection I seek but how can I be perfect when I am just me
For I am just me and thats all I can be
For now this is me the girl and all the anxiety