Just a Little History.
The early birds have arisen
Reading coffee-stained words and
Admiring the perks
Of this little train ride
Like the rest of the younglings
I myself,
Am also sleeping
But not for long, see
A bright light finds its way through my closed eyelids
Disrupting me in a much so bothersome fashion
I always thought the sun to be quite demanding
But I refuse to pick a fight
With something so deadly
I open my eyes to admire the scene
There’s a colorful haze spiraling past my window
Splashes of green, blue, white, black, yellow, and brown nourish my eyes
With the faint chugging sound
And my train car rocking me to sleep
Everything felt so serene
So peaceful,
So perfect,
Until suddenly,
I glance out my window to notice an open plain
Of decapitated trees
And lonesome scenes
I see no birds,
No grass,
Just dust,
Like an old ghost town
Nothing was lively here
And I found no interest in this gloomy view
Or looking at another like this
So that day I made a vow
Never will I allow something like this
To be something I need to get used to
Because everything will change
And it will all be because of me
The animals will not hurt any longer
Because of a selfish man’s dream
To cut down trees
And pollute the seas
And leave my animals homeless and starved
I vowed to
Help these animals
And find them a sustainable home
Where they can not just survive
But thrive
And live out the rest of their lives
Without much disturbance from a creature
That kills out of inconvenience
And selfishness