
who are you to judge me?who do you think you are?why do you judge me?how dare you judge me because i don't have what you have or you don't have what i have. you judge me because i don't have the money you have or you don't have the money i have. how dare you judge me for the clothes on my back. you judge me by my exterior before you get to know my interior. you are no better than i am and i'm no better than you.we are all equals and that's how we should be treated. how dare you put me down or walk around thinking you are holier than thy father above.who do you think you are. Do you judge me because you want to be me.no? then why do you choose to judge me. i ask you a thousand times and still get no answer. how dare you judge me for what i stand for or my beliefs.i swear your mean. how can you judge me for just being me before you judge me and anyone else get to know them.you judge me because i am me. i am going to be me no matter what.so you judging me is not going to stop me from living my life. before you judge me take a nice look in the mirror and that's who you judge


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