A journalist at heart
A journalist at heart
A product of creativity,
A journalist at heart,
My canvas is the TV.
No one can pull us apart.
An earpiece and a microphone,
My other kinds of friends,
They help me with my journey,
The one that I began.
Flashing lights and cameras,
The apple of my eye,
The things I search and find,
So things don’t go awry.
Technology is the friend
I pick up on the way.
With it, I can do anything
Like share news of the day.
The buttons on my laptop
Sound like music notes.
I type my script in G major.
I want no flats on my posts.
A pen and paper can come, too.
They’re essential to the ride.
With them, I tell the news.
Long nights and days,
So I can break the story first.
My teases and my intro’s
Fulfill my viewers’ thirst.
Asking all the questions
To dig into a soul
To reach all the answers
Of the things we do not know.
They say knowledge is power.
Well, give me an aid,
So I can live my dream.
I want to be made!
A product of creativity,
A journalist at heart,
Telling stories is my life.
These stories are my art.