
You said she was so skinny and asked if she wanted any of your chips. When she declined you said, "Aww why not? You probably haven't eaten in 3 days!"
Laughter engulfs the group but the girl sinks into her clothes and feigns a smile. It's funny to you, but for her she is thrust seven years into her past where she, in fact, had not eaten for 3 1/2 days. She had wanted to be skinnier. She found food disgusting. Oh, she never developed an eating disorder but her mind was already poisoned.
She was less than 100 pounds but when she looked into the mirror and saw FAT. Thunder thighs when she looked down. A stomach so bloated she looked pregnant. If she could, she would cut the fat away from her body.
But cutting is funny to you, too. "I'm so depressed I could cut myself. I'm so emo, I'm gonna cry in a corner and cut. I hate my life; I'm gonna slit my wrists."
Do you notice how she clenches her fists when you "joke"? Do you see how her pale skin stretches over her tiny wrists? Just take a look. You won't find any scars. She's too smart to be an easy victim of your "jokes," so she cuts in places none shall see: her scars are found within her inner thigh, along her hip bone, within her nether-regions. You will never find her sporting a crimson wrist, but watch carefully and you'll find her wincing as she sits.
But the jokes DON'T. END. She sees daily gestures of a gun to the head. BAM! Suicide. "I hate my life; I want to die. I'd rather die than do this project!"
"Go kill yourself."

Did you know that she had tried?
Did you know that she held a gun to her temple, pulled the trigger, and heard the unsatisfying click of an empty barrel?
Did you know that she would fall asleep in the kitchen at night, debating whether or not to overdose?
Did you know that for Years she prayed to God at night, asking Him to kill her in her sleep so she would never have to face another day?

Did you know that your jokes aren't funny?


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