Jewel in the rough


United States
39° 7' 36.9228" N, 84° 30' 51.6744" W

To the naked eye I am invisible
The known truth of whom I’m destined to be is unknown

I was buried

I remained buried underneath the cares of the world.
Buried beneath earth of wants and desires.
I carried the weight of the world on my mind.

I was buried

My mind is an entity that should be treasured.
But many times often I discarded it because I found no jewel within it.
I thought of my thoughts of being useless, not worthy of illuminating.
How foolish could I have been?

I was buried.

I perceived myself as insignificant, like a bank account over drawn I saw myself as a negative anomaly.
I allowed circumstances, people, my environment and worst yet my own thoughts to devalue my worth.

I was buried.

Often I was discarded.
The world never saw my wealth and so I wasn’t perceived to hold the worth of marble, ivory, sapphires and rubies.
No I wasn’t seen at all, actually I seemed quite ordinary and ordinarily I was tossed between builder’s hands as a useless rock.

I was buried.

When I was discovered time by time by looking eyes I could never fit in the image they sought to fit me in.
I could not be molded.
Often time my shape wouldn’t fit into a particular frame, or my color didn’t mesh well with the colors of other designs, or when I was examined closely no one could figure out what I am.
But I don’t blame the designers, the architects, the poet elite of society, those officials, nor do I blame scholars or the physical origins that produced me because honestly I didn’t know who I was so how could they.

I was buried.
Who I am was buried beneath expectations.
The expectations of rules and roles that I was expected to adhere to I often rejected.

I was buried

As a rebel I could not be tamed, therefore I could not fit into anyone’s frame.
Many people tried to frame me, people chipped, they chiseled, the painted, they gloss as I became loss.
Loss like a painter first stroke of paint on a canvas no one could find where I began nor where I ended.

I was buried.

I remained buried until the weight of the world on my mind made me strong.
I remained buried until the pressures within forced me to arise.
I remained buried until the forced within burned like fire within purifying my existence from within, doing a work that no man could do from outside in.
I remain buried until the pressure uplifted me; the wind, the rain, and the fire cleansed me, until gentle hands found me.

I was buried.

Buried until I was found and set free.


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