Jesus Is The Answer
Jesus Is The Answer
when your down to the lowest pit
Nobody around and they don't give a shit
all of life seems fragile being tossed as salad
when you run into a brick wall
Still there is hope never falter
Jesus Christ died almost 2, 000 years ago
on a cross for all the world to see
what was his prayer what was his final plea
Father forgive them for they no not what they do
he said the prayer now the rest is up to you
there are long lines being drawn in the sand
when will we as a society ever understand
he's not about steeples or a salesman giving you something to hear,
no his love was such that he suffered so much just to call some of us to follow...
Our flesh wants to serve sin, self & Satan
one drop of blood fell from his scale
he was always there every time we failed
it's not about being perfect but it's believing in a perfect savior
Jesus is the answer
eyes, hand & heart
Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand
hopefully someday all will understand...