Je Suis Amour


United States
43° 33' 5.9652" N, 116° 17' 55.644" W

I am Cupid
My arrow drawn
Strikes two hearts into one.

I am Aphrodite.
Gods bow to me as I walk down flowered streets
Both men and women fall for me.

My tears can cure a broken heart,
Too bad I never cry.

My thick locks are gold itself
When I open my baby blue eyes, day comes to pass
When my lids close, darkness covers the land.

My genuine smile makes demons want to ask for forgiveness,
Devils pray to God.

My breath wakes the dead
Infusing their limbs with life.
My perfume entices rash and remarkable things

Everybody worships me as a superior
Those who catch me never let me go.



Exemplifies the extraterrestrial forces of love

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