I'm being hunted, stuck alone in this house still haunted! Where did the nights go? Down the bottle, down the drain a worthless life I could never feign. Where did the nights go? Immersed in your vanity labeled a parasite how can you live being the mastermind of this travesty. I'm done trying to meet with the expectations of humanity. I'm too focused on trying to make others happy I've led myself to a depressing muck. I'm done living for the rewards of mankind, It's time you took control of your tongue and this ruse before you lead the masses to a noose. Lord you are the only one who can give us a breath of fresh air, this beast is leading the black sheep, a Grim harbinger he steadily continues to reap! What am I to do I'm worthless is all hope lost? Is the fire waiting am I just another corpse to be tossed. Will I fester, will I rot? All the years they've been taught lies by a falsifier. They now live a life behind bars and barbed wire