It's a Small World


United States
36° 6' 2.0952" N, 95° 55' 30.4356" W

Waking up in the morning, there’s no telling what will come up during the day-
Everything I go through, everything I do, contributes to a bigger picture.
But what if the bigger picture doesn’t exist?
What if I don’t have a purpose in life?
There has to be a reason why I exist in this world.
There has to be… inspiration.
I’ve never been one with high self esteem. Or any for that matter.
It makes me double guess my purpose in life.. if I have any.
But back to inspiration. Inspiration.
I don’t know any other 11 letter word more complex than “inspiration”.
Think about it – do you really have someone or something that fuels you throughout the day? Is something that you own or something you cherish so important to you that you gain so much motivation to do your best?
Some may say God. Some may say puppies. The word inspiration is so subjective.
My definition of inspiration is something immediate that makes me happy and that will be able to make myself work throughout the day for something better.
However, there is difference between worship and inspiration.
My inspiration, or what I thought was my inspiration is people.
Now you think to yourself, “Well, there are plenty of people in this world. Nothing special.”
You’re wrong.
The many people in this world comprise a web of connections that ultimately make this world much smaller than it seems, more comfortable.
Knowing you’re not alone makes everything much more bearable.
That’s what gets me through my day, inspiration.
Because of people in my life, I have learned what goals I am aspiring to and what behaviors to embody and to not embody.
However, people that aren’t directly inspirational could also be inspirational in a different sense.
Confused? Here’s an example:
If you would like to aspire to be like somebody, first you must realize the type of person you would NOT like to aspire to be.
Thankfully, this realization can be achieved by knowing the anti-body of who you are.
This, in my opinion, is my truest inspiration.



Beautiful, very inspirational!

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