It's not my fault
I'm sorry I did something wrong
we're talking in whispers
he can't hear us in the next room
but the news is even worse
than if he was aware we were talking about him
I did you wrong
I don't know what to do now
what happened wasn't my fault
but then why do I feel responsible
you're everywhere
you're in my head
every other week I'm crying because of you
when our troubles are'nt even related
but we are
I know I'm not your sister
I can hear you slamming in the next room
all your things
and I get worried
Stop relax stop relax
comfort yourself
because you won't let me
I'm sorry
what did I do?
that's all
we're connected
we're connected
you're not responsible for yourself anymore
I'm responsible for us
but there's no us
you cut us in half
now its just U
and S
S tupid
S cared
S ilent
S ick to my
S tomach when you're around
S top.
R elax.