It's not the journey
When we leave
when we walk out the door
when we reach the end of the sidewalk
when we shut the car door
when we turn the corner
when we pass the stop sign
when we watch the kids fade in the rearview mirror
when we pick up speed
when we trade stop lights for exit ramps
when we pick up snacks along the way
when we sing to the radio
when we fall asleep in the backseat
when we wake up
when we don't know where we are
when all we've seen for hours is trees
when we finally get there
when we stretch out
when we breath in the new air
when we unpack
when we dive in the pool
when we know we'll be okay
when we learn it's not the journey at all
when we take a moment
just one moment
and we smile
when we know the world will spin us
a new sunrise for the morning.