It Starts With a Look
That look.We all know that look.The look that holds the unspoken--the inaudible.The most heartbreaking goodbyes rest inthe most painful silences. Tears in eyes and fears right in front of you,what words could you muster?What thoughts would dare to race in this moment? “Goodbye” is barely a mumble,but the eye contact;it turns minutes to hours,and hours to months.This contact- it clings,holding onto the moment, to the person refusing to let go.Holding onto what everything else has let go of. It says what the mouth cannot: “Baby don’t go?!Don’t leave;I love you…”Your eye contact screams,it cries out.Why can’t this be heard?Why does this eye contact keep secrets? You see your eyes- your mind- it holds the dreams you're currently leaving behind.While you're letting go,your thoughts are living in the sunlight of a beautiful sunset;and while you're walking away your dreams are dancing through eternity with your eternity;but most of all while you’re turning away from a relationship-from love- from the mysterious future your mind is running- racing- towards it.You see you want happiness, you want romance,and most of all you want to love. But like most things, most people-love is layered.You have the outer coat, the one you see looking from the outside in.It’s when you see it as an easy free-flowing natural relationship;you don’t see the other layers.Cause if you did look deeper and searched the evermore, ever-growing layers you would see-you would see the heart-ache, the pain, the codependency which tears you apart. You would see the secrets, the late night talks, the worry. You see, love- Love is- It’s a such a beautiful, mesmerizing double-edged sword.It keeps you up all night and it keeps you moving all day.You start seeing the chaos as beauty,and the ongoing agony as strength. You become desensitized to pain; you stop seeing the love for what it truly is:A harsh tortuous thing that holds- you, your mind, your dreams-all captative in a little bubble contained in a so-called skull. “Baby don’t go…Don’t leave…I love you…” These thoughts fade away as prisoners of an ongoing war. Never able to be heard from anyone but the guards ever again…