is it okay
Cheyann Washington_ connections / humanities
Is it okay?
Is it okay to call me out of my name?
Like baby, Lil mama
Screaming for my attention
Is it okay to call me out of my terms?
Like nigga, bitch or hey blacky
Is it okay to follow me in your car?
On my way home from school
Is it okay for me to feel disgusted?
To feel mentally raped, to want to jump out of my skin
wishing I can change my appearance,
so you can stop
I mean it's not like you feel anything,
It not like you want to change,
Following young girls into the deep and darkest hole
Constantly destroying us
Our purity
Fucking with our mentality
Afraid to go outside
Because the man across the street
Looks you up and down and sometimes
Follows you
Wishing someone can help
Oh don’t go down that street
Mom says,
Don’t wear shorts in public
Mom says
Your legs are to long
She says
But then I reply
How come white girls get to wear shorts and I can’t?
Why can’t I be comfortable in my own skin mom?
she says,
black girls…
Are sex objects rather than normal human beings
If you're wearing shorts you’ll create attention to yourself,
Is it okay to call a nigga…? I mean a black woman a hoe, a skank,
A prostitute and more?
Because she’s pregnant
Because you seen her with multiple guys
Treating a sista wrong
Because she can’t find someone to love her?
or is it okay to support the white girl who’s done worst and has a child?
What is the different,
You tell me?
But is it okay?