The Intent of Murder
Why are you searching me?
Racially profiling? Or are you listening to the jingle of the coins in my pocket?
Have you yet to realize that anything is a weapon when you have a murderous intent?
Do you think the ones in that school building want to harm?
I don't think so.
But I know we here are.
Words harm you, just as those knives you display.
I will bring you down with a simple rebel yell and march around the block.
"Random" search twice in one week?
Bloomberg you're losing you're touch.
Hazel, what do you got to say about this?
Did they just show up?
NYPD, men and women in blue, has yet to give us a reason.
Hey, Walcott, step up!
My fist could be used, but I don't have any intent of ending like my ancestors with shackles around my wrsits.
But my educated words would drop your ass farther than my strength.
Should you stitch my lips?
hell yea you should.
Too bad I'd yell past the threads.
Because I see the webs of hypocrisy this democracy has made. This school has been transforming to that building over there.
You know the on e with the barb wire.
Yea, the juvenile detention hall.
This hell hole has been surrounding us all because of our skin color and the wage our parents make.
Are you hurting yet?
Coming after me with chains,
Too bad I'll win. Because with my first amendment rights I intend to get you out of your job and make the world a better place.
Not the one in your vision, but the one in the vision of the students.
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In many schools, there is the problem of stifling students, making them feel more like prisoners than people who wish to learn. This poem describes that problem very well, and proves that students at these types of schools are definitely intelligent and willing to learn. It is great that you have the ability to write about something that so many individuals can relate to.