You inspire me
Like a spark of a match
Which lights a fire
You light up positivity within me
You inspire me to grow
To work on my unhealed parts
The parts of me I try to avoid
The parts of me that are difficult to accept
You inspire me to be better
You inspire me to love myself
To fully accept myself as I am
And to try myself with kindness
You inspire me to create
To create art
To create poetry
To create a beautiful life full of adventure
You may not even realize
All this beauty you spark within me
But let me remind you
You are the one that keeps me pushing through
The one who makes me believe that I can do this
The one who reminds me that I am enough
“You” the one I am describing
You are my highest self
Even though I may lose sight
Of your inspiration at times
You come back in my times of need
All you do is light a little spark
And it sets off like a fire within me
A new beginning