
Fri, 10/27/2017 - 12:13 -- katyw7

Farewell to the days of us,

The 9 years of our duo.

Wasted away because of a girl, jealousy,

And a virus.


We were like a set of tennis shoes.

Dependent on one another,

Willing to risk a little dirt

For the journey.


Our love was elastic,

Contracting to fit each setting.

With platonic feelings weaving

In each interstice.


A virus.

It can only survive off of its host,

Their insecurities deny them of independency.


It astounds me how easily you have contracted the Z virus

A weak immune system has greeted you indefinitely.


The symptoms are horrendous:

A cocky facade,

False friendships,

And a broken real one.


Enjoy your illness please,

Each slow deadly minute of it.

Because when you finally realize how fatal she is,

You’ll come begging me for the cure.


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