Inescapable Normality
I question why I taste normality in my tears
Even when free of sadness and fears
The essence of crying of course brings misery
Yet even in happiness, seems to have an overwhelming sense of familiarity
One thought spawns multitudes, I begin realizing
The sorrow of my downfalls, and of my uprisings
One thought awakens my mind
Together memories wad and weave, beginning to bind
I am returned once more to hateful thoughts filled with sorrow
From times in my life, when I was hollow
But is it the same doubt and pain
The belief there is nothing left in life to gain
Are these thoughts what brings droplets of remorse?
Or is there an alternate source?
Perhaps the droplets are instead the result of regret
For losing so much of my life to melancholy, to events on which I now reflect
So why truly do I taste normality in tears?
Even when free of sadness and fears