Imperfect Mortals
I have a bitter heart
I have been broken
and scarred.
But I am patched
Yet still sore.
It is not my fault
but at the same time it is.
To fall easily
is truly
the biggest mistake
a person can make.
And yet it is done
and over
and even OVER again
Why do we not learn,
that to put one's heart
into the hands
of another
Imperfect mortal
is truly the most careless thing
one can do.
But as I've already stated the obvious
we are ALL
very imperfect mortals.
Imperfection is what causes
our unique quirks and
interesting characteristics
It is what makes our personalities
truly ours
and because of our imperfections
we are lovable in weird ways
and because we are mortals
we are stupid
and fall for every single god damn
one of them.