"I'm Perfection"
Flaws are Less than what I am.
What I am defies the laws--
that entrap me when I'm caught,
enslave me when I've stopped,
because I've been chasing my life away to a dead end-
-stop and extend.
Without knowledge, without truth, flaws fall far from fetching what I desire.
So why do I see them every time I admire-
myself, in the mirror of my pretension?
Why does it keep happening in succession?
All this comparing will keep me from my progression-
into becoming something greater,
something better than just being flawless
something called- perfection...
But it does not stop there-
No, I must extend further
to the place of the Father
who created me in His image,
and made me with less flaws than His perfection--
But, because I’m a mere woman
with my own “purpose”, I search deeper
but only scratch the surface,
of His divine plan.
So, without further ado,
I introduce you to a new idea,
a novel insight,
something you can choose to live by
or cast away into the ocean skin-deep.
It’s called the falsity of “lawful imperfection”:
the thoughts that we are supposed to be challenged by our imperfections.
The truth- if you want to hear it-
is that we are defined by our spirit.
Because if you take a second look, you’ll see,
that when you see the imperfections
what you are really seeing is-
“I’m perfection."