I'm Not One to Hide
I'm an open book.
No, rather; transparent.
Read all of my chapters,
Go ahead, take a look.
Everyone knows,
It's no secret to tell.
Word for word,
Line by line,
I have nothing to hide.
Take some time and you will see,
Anything you want to know about me.
All of my imperfections,
Blood ink all over each page.
My written word to you,
And all of it is true.
I dare you to finish it,
Everyone else too.
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This poem really speaks to me and I feel the same way. I admire how you "dare" the reader, giving them challenge to dwell upon even after the poem is done.
Constructive criticism: I like how you say transparent. You continue the book metaphor, but I wish you would have also continued the thought about transparency with description. The concept of transparency, as you pointed out, is different from an open book, but you continue to make your case that you are an open book even after you say you are "No, rather; transparent." I might cut that line or change the continuous metaphor to something about being transparent.
That's a really good poem. I can't wait to read your other ones too. God bless you and keep writing on my friend :)
I turn the page
and find -
full of rage?
are you kind?
Tell me more,
this story of your,
I want the core,
from you to pour,
Show me yours,
Ill show you mine,
torn ripped and shred
with pristine bind
These books on our shelves, they should be shared
into them delved, not left alone scared.
Beautiful! I often feel this way--that I'm too transparent when other people keep things close to the vest.