I'm Not Here
I am here,
In this classroom,
Desk wedged hard into my back,
Eyes straining, struggling, striving to stay open,
Teacher’s monotone lecture filling the air,
But missing my ears.
I am here,
But my mind is far away,
Roaming the landscapes of my dreams and desires,
Making lists of things to-do,
And rummaging through my current struggles.
I am here,
But I want to engage,
I want to explore, learn, and debate,
I want to examine the properties of various minerals,
Instead of staring at them in a book.
I desire to debate over the effects of Obamacare,
Instead of reading a printed, bias article.
I am here,
And I am willing to learn,
T o expand my knowledge,
But the bored administrator’s lesson,
And the tired words of a textbook,
Let my mind slip into the abyss of my imagination,
Where I am free to live and connect and discover.