I'm not a bad person
I'm not a bad asexual
because I have sexual feelings.
im not a gold star asexual
because I've never had sex.
I'm just not an asexual.
I'm not a bad androsexual
because I'm attracted to women.
I'm not a bad gynephile
for being attraced to men either.
Queer people are cute,
and straight people keep refusing to date me,
but I'm not pansexual and I never will be.
I don't defy the boxes,
I'm just not in the boxes you like.
I'm demisexual,
I only feel attracted to people I liked before.
So why do people act like I'm a bad person?
I'm a slut because I dress like a boy,
and a prude when I dress like a girl.
And I'm sick,
I'm throwing up all this interalized shit,
and I'm trying to fight off the outside influences.
But I'm so tired.
So, so tired of it all.
And I don't want to have to do it.
I want help.