I'm in Love with a Man
(poems go here)
And how can I not love him when he makes it oh so easy
The things he does, the words he says, everything about him seems to complete me
When I awake early in the morning the first thing that comes to mind is you
Before I slumber in my bed at night your greatness comes to my mind too
He is everything I desire, long for, need and want
And when I contemplate doing sinful things he's not afraid to tell me "don't"
Hmm maybe that's another reason why I love him so
Because he's not afraid to take control and tell me "no"
He even has a book that gives me advice when I'm going through
It's full of wisdom and knowledge......a book that I could loan to you
He even makes me promises including an incredible future
He assures me that I can be greater than a doctor, lawyer, nurse or teacher
You can call me naive but yes I believe everything that he says
Cause he has never stirred me wrong; none of my days
And I'm not an emotional person that tends to cry a lot
But sometimes I just sit and think about him and then begin to rock
As I rock back and forth the tears begin to swell up in my eyes
I can't help but wonder what I have done for someone so amazing to enter into my life
And in moments like those I do begin to cry
Just as if someone has hit me or someone close to my heart has died
I cry as if I have lost my best friend
When in actuality those are tears of joy that I feel will never end
My love for this man is stronger than anything I have ever known
So hard to grasp, I guess you can say it has my mind blown
But the reason I feel this way you see
Is because this man, this man first loved me
- Brittany Calvin