I'm a Human Being
Don’t laugh and ask why I am different just aspect me for I am I will not let you treat me like I’m nothing, because I am a powerful young women and I deserve to be treated with respect I belong here so who are you to tell me I’m nobody I AM somebody I’m here for a reason I know my future is bright I can do anything as long as I put my mind to it I’m a human being I should be treated Equality, with dignity because I have something worth living for Don’t judge me by the color of my skin, my sexuality or my gender but on my character My live matters and so does yours I have a dream that one day we will love and respect each other I wake up every day hoping that things will change but, everything is still the same As I sit home and watch TV all I hear is POW POW another black man is dead I cry when I hear teenagers dying There is some much violence and it needs to STOP! No one should take a person life That person is a son, might be a father, or a brother, or uncle I feel sorry for the mothers who had to bury their child I feel sorry for those who lost a love one due to violence There is some much hate in this world We need to bring peace Everyone one of us is special We all have a purpose in life We can all change the world Stop the violence, and start calling people by their names Act like you care even when you don’t You can change a person life just for that moment You should treat people the way you want to be treated We are all human beings