White Is a Color, Not a Person
Looks of disgust, of hatred
My skin, my hair, my eyes-giving me away
They see the past
But I didn’t do those things
The one’s who did were soulless people, they deserve the hate-they really do
But I don’t.
The past is the past and through history we learn from our mistakes.
A heartbeat is a heartbeat
Skin nothing but the pigmentation of the skin, nothing but the casing over muscles and organs that absorbs sunlight into our bodies to live.
My skin being “white” means nothing to me.
Given the chance, I’d fight
Fight for the equality of man kind.
During the Civil Rights Movement, I’d stand beside those for equality
Against those who are too scared to accept ‘change’.
Because I’m white, I’m considered racist.
But I’m not racist.
I’m a human being just like everyone else.
A person who wishes for nothing more than for hate to diminish,
For hate of people because of skin color to vanish.
That would be my utopia
A world without hate.