illusion of distruction
i hate myself,
i hate how i am given all i need in life, without question.
i hate how am labled as just another sterotype of my race.
i hate how if im sad, im asked if im 'depressed' again.
i hate how my father sees my illnesses as an excuse to show weakness.
i hate how my mother pushes me, yet i will never tell her to her face.
i hate how my mom yells at my grandmother when her patience runs out.
i hate how most of this world relies on the arts, yet refuses to call it a real job.
i hate how peoples dreams are pushed to the wayside just to make money.
i hate how we all are told to be happy yet encouraged to get a 'rich job'
i hate how i see this world as the evil it can be, nd rarly see the light.
i hate how i write the same sd poems over and over again.
all this hate, now i am just another pawn in
the game of distruction this world has been plagued with.
i hate myself.
but im all i have left.