I'll Give it A Try (No Words)

Mon, 03/28/2016 - 18:29 -- Emcatee

There aren't quite words

For the way that my heart pitter patters when the thought of you enters my mind.

The first drops of an incoming rainstorm are

Inaudible compared to hullabaloo that pounds inside my head.

Warmth envelops my whole being.

For the blood that your presence has politely released,

Sends love notes to every nerve,

Reading as a telegram

And then spreading throughout the entire body healing everything it passes.

Stars explode at the tips of my fingers and toes releasing devotion

While touching any and all parts of your body.

Your electrons

Have become synonymous to

My electrons

And that's just the way I like it.

Creating an ionic bond that can only be taking apart by some sort of supernatural force.

So if God sees fit that this should not work,

He will be the one and only volume that can drowned out the pitter patter of my beating heart.

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