If you're a product of this consumerist generation
Manhattan, bombard me with your flashy signs and electronic bilboards
Cover the blue sky with your advertisements and logos
Im getting more excited by the second
The blood is pumping through my body
faster, faster, faster... I feel my own bloodflow
Wait, is that what I think it is?
The latest spring collection is right before my eyes
I can see it clearly but its too far
afterall, its just a bilboard
But wait, I must get to it. I cant think about anything else
Im Infactuated
Everyone in these streets are carrying bags on bags on bags
When I get back to school, I have to outdo every one of my peers
I decide to buy it, afterall,"i need it"
Im pacing to the store, passing through a hive of flashy clothed people
I get in
I pace through the isles of racks of clothes
I find it
The soft cotton fabrics feel so"right"in my possession
They are finally mine after the lady at the counter takes my money
Sastisfied, i leave the store
WIth this feeling of satisfaction, i look up to the sky again, bu tonly to make eye contact with the Apple advertisement
Oh no
I can't...I dont need it
...But it would be cool to have, i could take notes on it in school and stuff...
Then all of a sudden the gear in my head is triggered with a *tink*
I go to the nearest Apple store