If You Love Me (Pt. 1)

If you saw me unexpectly tonight, how would you react?

Would you run up to me and smother me in your embrace?

Would you hold me and never let go?

Would you tell me that you missed me?

Or would you just smile and say hello?


If you saw me crying tonight, what would you say?

Would you try your best to comfort me?

Would you offer me your shoulder?

Would you tell me that everything's gonna be okay?

Would you hold me tightly and not say a word?

Would you tell me a joke to cheer me up?

Or would you even care?


If I get upset with you tonight, what would you do?

Would you apologize to me?

Would you try to make it up to me?

Or would you assume I'll get over it?


If it was raining tonight, where would you go?

Would you pull me outside as quickly as possible?

Would you dance with me underneath the crying sky?

Would you kiss me as the raindrops crashed on our faces?

Or would you just stay inside?


If a slow song came on the radio tonight, what would you do?

Would you hold out your hand and ask me to dance?

Would you sing the words to me?

Would you cuddle me in your arms and hum the tune in my ear?

Or would you ignore it?


If I told you that I loved you, how would you respond?

Would you tell me you loved me more?

Would you kiss me and tell me you love me too?

Would you smile and say "I know"?

Or would you shrug it off?


If I fell asleep next to you, what would you do? 

Would you tenderly kiss me and whisper goodnight?

Would you wrap your arms around me and hold me?

Would you pull me close, to feel my heart beat with yours?

Would you fall asleep alongside me?

Or would you leave me to sleep alone?


If I died tonight, how would you feel? 

Would you miss me?

Would you cry and scream that it's not fair?

Would you live the rest of your life in pain and misery?

Would you end your own life?

Or would you even care at all?


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